ISSN : 1229-9618(Print)
ISSN : 2671-7506(Online)
ISSN : 2671-7506(Online)
Chinese Studies Vol.88 pp.393-414
A Study of Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips 23 to 34 : Records about Laws Regarding Hunting and Fishing in the Palace Gardens and Isolated Areas
This study presents the translation of the 23rd to 34th Longgang Qin Bamboo Strips into Korean based on the findings of preceding studies, along with detailed annotations and translations. The main contents of Jianwen (a sentence written on bamboo strips) included in the scope of this study are the records about laws regarding hunting and fishing in the imperial family’s palace gardens and the isolated area surrounding it, and its main content is as follows. In the area surrounding the palace gardens, an isolated area of about 40 li (about 16 km or 20 km) in a straight line was established from the palace gardens’ wall to the people’s living quarters, leaving this land as a vacant lot. Hunting in this vacant lot, called Ruan (堧), was basically prohibited, but hunting of migratory birds that came down from the north to spend the winter was allowed. However, only the use of arrows with a limited range was allowed and the use of regular arrows was prohibited. Of course, this was a measure to ensure the safety of the palace gardens, and the use of arrows was only permitted on Yongdao (甬道), the road where the emperor’s carriage traveled, or in places a certain distance away from the palace gardens. In addition, animals that could prey on other animals managed by the palace gardens, such as dholes or wolves, or that could injure people were allowed to be caught within the palace gardens. Hunting animals that were likely to breed excessively, such as pheasants or rabbits, were also considered not guilty. However, it seems that the act of catching fish by poisoning the water was relatively strictly prohibited and was not allowed even in areas within 20 li (about 8 km or 10 km) from the isolated area. This study also examined the character replacement between ‘敺 qu’ and ‘驅 qu’ in the Qin-Han period, as well as the character confusion between ‘每 mei’ and ‘毒 du’ in Qin characters, and the division between ‘灋 fa’ and ‘法 fa’. In addition, this study paid attention to finding the exact Korean equivalents of the animal names that appear in Jianwen to make the translation clearer.
龍崗秦簡 第23∼34簡 연구 - 禁苑과 격리지대에서의 사냥 및 어로 행위에 관한 법률 기록
龍崗秦簡은 진(秦)의 사회와 법률을 이해하는데 중요한 출토 문헌으로 본고에서 는 제23간부터 제34간까지의 내용을 해독하고 주석을 붙였다. 이 12매의 죽간에는 금원(禁苑) 안에 들어온 짐승에 관한 규정, 불법적으로 얻은 재화에 관한 처리, 금원 및 금원을 둘러싼 공터(격리지대)에서의 사냥 및 어로(漁撈) 행위에 대한 허용 범위 와 금지 사항에 대한 기록이 담겨 있다. 본고는 龍崗秦簡 제23간부터 제34간에 대 한 기존의 연구 성과 및 적외선 카메라로 재촬영한 죽간 사진을 토대로 더욱 정확한 고석(考釋)을 진행하고자 하였으며, ‘敺’와 ‘驅’·‘每’와 ‘毒’·‘灋’와 ‘法’ 등의 한자에 대해 서 고대한자 자료에 보이는 관련 자형을 수집해 보다 상세하고 명확한 주석을 작성 하고자 하였다.