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ISSN : 1229-9618(Print)
ISSN : 2671-7506(Online)
Chinese Studies Vol.88 pp.355-372

The Presence of the State in University Sociology Education : An Analysis of the Development of Sociology Education in Chinese Universities Since 1900

Ma Jie


The value-laden nature of knowledge means that the process of knowledge transmission carries significant regional imprints. In higher education discipline instruction, how the presence of the state is realized has become a topic worth discussing. This article reviews the development history, current trends, and challenges faced by sociology education in Chinese universities. The research finds that the presence of the state is significantly evident in sociology education at Chinese universities. In the practice of sociology education, there exists a synergistic operation of three logics: institutional logic, professional logic, and educational logic. Among these, institutional logic is the core logic in the implementation process of sociology education, professional logic is the foundational logic in the operational process of sociology education, and educational logic is the formal logic in the practice process. The disciplinary ideals and patriotic sentiments determine the value basis for the synergistic operation of these three logics. The presence of the state functions through the diffuse form of institutional logic, embedding the value-laden nature of knowledge through the coding process into the professional logic, and then realizing it through the educational logic.

高等院校社会学教育中的国家在场 ——基于1900年以来中国高校社会学教育发展历程的分析


