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ISSN : 1229-9618(Print)
ISSN : 2671-7506(Online)
Chinese Studies Vol.83 pp.115-128

The Record and Inheritance of Speech under China’s Language Policy since 1949 : A Case Study of Sichuan Dialect

Han Yi**, Kim Hyun-Tae***
** 第一作者。国立釜庆大学中国学系博士修了


Most of the dialect native speakers in the Sichuan region realize that the language they have been hearing is a dialect of Chinese only after receiving Mandarin education in scho ol. Taking Chengdu and Chongqing in the 1990s as an example, the Sichuan dialect was t he main language used. Although the country promoted Putonghua, some teachers still us ed dialects for teaching in school education. In the 21st century, the number of people w ho speak Mandarin in Sichuan area has gradually increased. In some public places, it is sti pulated that Mandarin must be used, and the school education site uses Mandarin teachin g entirely. At that time, dialects and Mandarin were confronted head-on, and some people who did not receive Mandarin teaching in school education began to use “Pepper and Sal t Mandarin”, which usually refers to the language spoken in the tone of Mandarin in the dialect of Sichuan and Chongqing, referred to as Trump, mainly as People in Sichuan and Chongqing who cannot speak Mandarin need a communication tool when using Mandarin. Up to now, Mandarin has become the mainstream, with a penetration rate of more than 8 0%. “Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Language Work in the New Era” issued by the General Office of the State Council of China in 2021 China Guobanfa [2020] No. 3 0, release date: November 30, 2021. It is clearly stated that by 2025, the national penetrati on rate of Mandarin will reach 85%. At the same time as the promotion of Mandarin, the use of dialects has gradually decreased, and the number of users has gradually decreased. Dialects are facing a gradual extinction crisis. At the same time, relevant research departm ents in China are also aware of the crisis of dialects, and the country has initiated the pro tection of Chinese language and cultural resources. These protections are basically aimed a t recording dialects and preserving a large amount of information for reference, but the s peed of extinction of dialects has not slowed down. While sorting out Chinese language p olicies after 1949, this publication analyzes the current situation of Sichuan dialects throug h field investigations and puts forward the problems faced by Sichuan dialects. Aiming at t hese problems, a solution combining dialect records and dialect inheritance is proposed. I hope that the language we have learned from our parents can be passed on forever.



